Partie 7 : À propos de la langue anglaise

Chapitre 69 : Homographes/-nymes/-phones

Quelques homographes, page 144

Afficher le texte

close : proche ≠ close : fermer
desert : un désert ≠ desert : abandonner, déserter
lead : mener, conduire ≠ lead : du plomb
live : vivrer ≠ live : vivant, en direct
minute : une minute ≠ minute : infime, minime
row : une rangée, ramer ≠ row : une dispute
tear : déchirer, une déchirure ≠ tear : une larme
wind : le vent ≠ wind : serpenter, remonter (une montre)

Quelques homophones, page 144

Afficher le texte

aisle isle
aloud allowed
bear bare
break brake
cereal serial
die dye
hoarse horse
hole whole
size sighs
steal steel
wait weight
which witch

Quelques homonymes, page 144

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Exercice 1, page 145

Afficher le texte

  1. These regulations limit the concentration of lead in petrol.
  2. Why did you tear up his letter?
  3. Her wedding was planned in minute detail.
  4. She was close to tears.
  5. The Serpentine River, which winds through Hyde Park, provided a focal point for the Great Exhibition of 1851.
  6. He won the Wimbledon championships three times in a row.

Food for thought, page 145

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  1. It’s high time you made up your mind.
  2. He went back and forth.
  3. I wonder whether she will come.
  4. I'm astounded by people who want to know the universe when it’s so hard to find your way around Chinatown.
  5. This company wants to have its cake and eat it.
  6. Their plane was three hours late and they were glad to get there at long last.
  7. Jonathan, who's usually late, was early for once.
  8. Do you know Fiona, whose father works with yours?
  9. You were in Ireland. What was the weather like?