Partie 5 : Problèmes de société

Chapitre 45 : Social welfare

Social security, page 96

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social welfare
access to health care
to be entitled to benefit
to be on social security, to be on welfare
the bare necessities
to be on unemployment benefit
to make a living wage
years of service
the retirement age
full retirement age
the basic old age pension

Social security provides economic assistance to people who are ill, old or unable to work. It’s not to be confused with the French Sécurité sociale, which can translate as “the French public welfare system”.

The word “welfare” tends to have negative connotations in American society. If you’re on welfare it means you’re poor or you can’t get a job.

Health safety, page 96

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public health concerns
health risks
the eradication of infectious diseases
a health hazard
safe drinking water
healthy practices
safety at work
an occupational hazard
an occupational disease
home hazards
compulsory vaccination
maternal and child safety
access to family planning
free access to contraception

Back problems are an occupational hazard for many employees these days.

Food for thought, page 97

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According to the WHO (World Health Organization) about 1.1 billion people have no access to any type of improved drinking source of water. Also, some 2.6 billion people, that is, half the developing world, lack even a simple latrine.

This has very serious consequences for the health of millions of people. Lack of access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation is responsible for the death of 1.6 million people every year, who die from diarrhoeal diseases. For the same reason, millions of people are threatened by blindness.

The WHO affirms that safe drinking water and adequate sanitation are a precondition to fight poverty and hunger, to promote primary education, gender equality, maternal health and to combat child mortality and diseases like AIDS or malaria.

Access to drinking water is defined as being able to obtain at least twenty litres of water per day. It’s really amazing when you think that over 2,000 litres of water are required to produce one hamburger.