Partie 3 : Sciences et techniques

Chapitre 23 : Anatomy and diseases

Anatomy, page 52

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the skeleton
the backbone, spine
a rib
the hip
a limb
a sinew
a joint
the wrist
the kneecap
the ankle
the heel
the skull
the forehead
the eye socket
the chin
the jawbone
the gums
the windpipe
the spleen
the liver
a kidney

He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

Traumas and diseases, page 52

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a graze
a blister
a bruise
a sprain
to limp, to have a limp
to be crippled
a germ
the measles
the mumps
the plague
HIV positive
to contaminate
to spread
unprotected sex
to have a temperature
heart failure
to have a stroke
to be in agony

She suffers from backache: she should not wear those stilettos.
He was placed in a medically induced coma after suffering a serious head injury while skiing.

Food for thought, page 53

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A visit to a traditional market in the region assails the senses with a huge variety of forest game – mammal, bird and reptile carcasses smoked and partitioned – and the smell of singed animal hair filling the air.
But an outbreak of the deadly Ebola fever in Guinea has rekindled concerns about the health risks of age-old African hunting and eating traditions that bring humans into close contact with wild forest animals.
The World Health Organization says about 86 suspected cases of Ebola have been reported, with 62 deaths so far. Guinean authorities put the death toll at 63.
Experts who have studied the Ebola virus from its discovery in 1976 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, then Zaire, say its suspected origin – what they call the reservoir host – is forest bats. Links have also been made to the carcasses of freshly slaughtered animals consumed as bushmeat.

Reuters, March 27, 2014.