Partie 2 : La question environnementale

Chapitre 16 : Energy

Non-renewable resources, page 38

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fossil fuel
coal mining
a deposit
crude oil
to strike oil
to drill for oil
an oil rig
offshore production
a barrel
a power station, a power plant
shale gas
the core
to tap, to harness, to exploit
exhausted, depleted
to deplete

The government is coming under increasing pressure as people are asking politicians to help save jobs at three coal mines.

Inspectors have discovered a fault with a boiler unit. As a consequence, the nuclear reactors at two large power plants in the north of England are to be shut down temporarily.

Sustainable energy, page 38

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a wind turbine, a windmill
a wind farm
a tidal power station
a solar panel
geothermal energy
to turn to
to switch to
to soar
to conserve

Scientists reckon that the sunshine that hits the Earth in one single hour could meet the world’s energy demands for an entire year. The problem is: how do we capture and store that energy? In other words, we have to figure out a way of bottling sunshine so that we can have as much of it as we want and when we want it.

Food for thought, page 39

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Degrowth is a political, economic and social movement based on ecological economics. It is anti-consumerist and anti-capitalist in nature. There are several sides to degrowth.
First of all, it aims at reducing energy and material output in the world, which is required to face the existing biophysical constraints. It supports the global environmental justice movement, which has strong roots in southern countries. As environmental rights activists say “Leave oil in the soil, coal in the hole, South or North.”
Degrowth also tries to tackle social issues. Proponents of degrowth would like to replace our prevalent growth-based approach with the idea of “frugal abundance”.
Degrowth also campaigns for a more equitable redistribution of wealth around the world, in order to lessen the North/South divide.