Partie 4 : Réalités économiques

Chapitre 28 : Farming

Growing crops, page 62

Afficher le texte

a meadow
pasture land
a plough
a harvester
corn, wheat
maize, corn
an orchard
an orange grove
wine growing
a vineyard
green, unripe
to yield
to grow
to sow
to reap
to harvest

An estimated two million people took to the streets in cities all around the world in May 2013 for a worldwide day of protest against agro-biotech giant Monsanto and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in general.

Organic farming bans the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.

Sustainable farming avoids soil erosion and pollution.

Animal breeding, page 62

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a cowshed
a pigsty
a stable
poultry farming
dairy farming
to breed
a breed
to feed

A few years ago, the French government decided to vaccinate a million free-range ducks, chickens, geese in an attempt to stem the spread of the H5N1 virus.

Five hundred angry farmers dumped manure in front of administrative headquarters in Brussels to demonstrate against the Common Agricultural Policy.

Food for thought, page 63

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We can’t grumble about accommodation:
we have a new concrete floor that’s
always dry, four walls that are
painted white, and a sheet-iron roof
the rain drums on. A fan blows warm air
beneath our feet to disperse the smell
of chicken shit and, on dull days,
fluorescent lightening sees us. […]

Edwin Brock © Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd, 1977.