Partie 1 : À l′échelle du monde

Chapitre 5 : Nations and countries

People, page 16

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Europe the Europeans a European European
Germany the Germans a German German
Norway the Norwegians a Norwegian Norwegian
Britain the British a British person British
Scotland the Scots, Scotsmen a Scot, a Scotsman Scottish
Denmark the Danes a Dane Danish
Poland the Poles a Pole Polish
Spain the Spanish, Spaniards a Spaniard Spanish
Turkey the Turks a Turk Turkish
Greece the Greeks a Greek Greek
Holland, the Netherlands the Dutch a Dutchman Dutch
Ireland the Irish a Irishman Irish
Wales the Welsh a Welshman Welsh
Lebanon the Lebanese a Lebanese Lebanese
Portugal the Portuguese a Portuguese Portuguese
Japan the Japanese a Japanese Japanese
Pakistan the Pakistanis a Pakistani Pakistani
Israel the Israelis an Israeli Israeli
Thailand the Thais a Thai Thai
Switzerland the Swiss a Swiss man Swiss

Henry James was American born but spent most of his writing career in England.

When it comes to nationality or citizenship, there are two types of rights: the right of the soil and the right of blood. The former gives you the right to nationality of a given country if you were born in that country.

The latter (the right of blood) depends on your parents: if one of them is a citizen of a given country, you can claim citizenship of that country.

Quite a few countries have a mixture of those two rights, like Canada, the United States, Israel and Germany.

Food for thought, page 17

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An old popular joke
Heaven is where the cooks are French, the police are British, the mechanics are German or Swiss, the lovers are Italian and everything is organized by the Germans or Swiss.
Hell is where the cooks are British, the police are German, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, and everything is organized by the Italians.