Partie 1 : À l′échelle du monde

Chapitre 3 : The climate

The weather, page 12

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a heat wave
a gust of wind
a gale
to abate
a thunderstorm
a clap of thunder
a flash of lightning
black ice
a blanket of snow
a snowdrift
scattered showers
to get soaked, to get drenched

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.

Recently China experienced a large-scale outbreak of fog and haze that affected some 600 million people and covered a quarter of its territory.

Natural disasters, page 12

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to flood
to be in spate
monsoon rain
to overflow
an earthquake
an aftershock
a landslide
a tornado, a twister
to rip
a tidal wave
to near
to gather strength
to subside

The deadliest event of the Klondike gold rush occurred in April 1898 on the Chilkoot Trail. Numerous avalanches took place and 65 people lost their lives.

The word tsunami comes from the Japanese tsu (harbour) + nami (wave).

Food for thought, page 13

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I shall never forget the poor gentleman who once travelled with me on the Channel boat. Only the two of us were on deck as a violent storm was raging. A tremendous gale was lashing mountainous seas. We huddled there for a while, without saying anything. Suddenly a fearful gust blew him overboard. His head emerged just once from the water below me. He looked at me calmly and remarked somewhat casually: “Rather windy, isn’t it?”

George Mikes, How to be inimitable, Andre Deutsch, 1960.